November 7, 2023

今天是火博体育制作芦苇室的周年纪念日, 这要感谢捐助者的慷慨支持

一年前,男同性恋者为双簧管学生新建和改进的簧片室在116室揭幕. 它的升级得益于捐助者的慷慨支持,包括世界银行 史蒂芬和伊莱恩·斯塔马斯奖学金基金 Heather and John Botti. 这一倡议的核心还在于 男同性恋教职员工雪莉·塞拉和威廉·肖特,以及reed ' n Stuff公司.

“制作好的簧片对演奏至关重要,”双簧管教员说 Sherry Sylar. “制作芦苇约占演出准备工作的30%至40%.”

Bassoon faculty member William Short tells us, “芦苇房有几个用途:作为一个集中的地方,存储有价值和有用的芦苇制造机器, almost all of which are new to MSM; as a communal space where students can work on reeds and learn, and occasionally commiserate, together; and as an occasional teaching studio for faculty to work with students on their reeds.”


Ms. Sylar and Mr. 短分享有关新空间的详细信息.



Ms. 塞拉:多亏了两位捐助者的慷慨解囊 伊莱恩和斯蒂芬·斯塔马斯奖学金基金 and Heather and John Botti,我们已经能够为我们的芦苇室添置新设备. 房间里还将有各种品牌,这将给学生提供宝贵的比较机会.

Mr. Short: In addition to cosmetic improvements, such as paint and lighting, 为我们的制苇机队增加了大量的储存空间, 而且有很多工作站可供多个学生同时研究芦苇.


Mr. Short: Reed-making is fundamental to the education of a double reed student; trying to make great music on a bad reed is like trying to play the snare drum with a wet noodle. This new space gives students a place to refine their craft; it gives them access to reliable, high-quality machines that ensure they’re starting from a consistent place; and having those machines gives them the opportunity to find out what they ultimately would like to purchase themselves as graduating draws closer.

Ms. Sylar芦苇室是一个分享想法、向同事学习的空间. 欢乐的气氛鼓励和激励学生工作.

许多人可能没有意识到,为了购买昂贵的制造簧片的机器,双簧片玩家需要不断付出额外的成本. 把设备安装在我们的芦苇室, 学生将受益,而不必为自己购买这些必要的设备.


SLIDESHOW: The double reed room at MSM

请告诉我们在男同性恋者中发生的双簧片日. What were some highlights?

Ms. Sylar我们的一些设备是从 Reeds ‘n Stuff, a German company owned by Udo Heng. Not only did Mr. 恒在设备上给了学校很大的折扣, 但他也慷慨地来到火博体育,并贡献了自己的时间,在“双簧管日”上发表了一篇关于使用所有Reed ' n Stuff机器的技巧的演讲.

Mr. Short: The wonderful folks from Reeds ‘n Stuff shared their extraordinary lineup of reed-making machines and other equipment with all of us; it was enriching for the students and the faculty. 但对我来说,最特别的可能是社区意识——现在我们有了这个公共空间,我很高兴能在此基础上继续发展.



Ms. Sylar如果你有兴趣在曼哈顿学校学习双簧乐器, 你可以使用这个最先进的芦苇实验室. 双簧管演奏者有三个双簧管和英国号的鼓子, pre-gougers, shaper tips, a shaping machine, and several high-grade measuring tools.

Mr. Short: Furthermore, 教师们都是从国内最好的室内乐团和管弦乐队中挑选出来的, and we all work collaboratively. It’s a remarkable thing!

Can you share any reed-working tips?

Mr. Short: Make more! Quantity begets quality.


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